Ontario Liquidation evaluates all types of medical, laboratory, IT, A/V, restaurant and bar equipment, and consumer goods inventories. Whether it’s a single asset or an entire plant or business, we understand your individualized needs. Our clients rely on our experienced and knowledgeable appraisers who are meticulous in their approach, resourceful, and in touch with the industry’s marketplace.
In collaboration with our auction division at The 6IX Auction, we continuously review market trends and conditions to ensure that our appraisals reflect the most accurate values possible. Our appraisal process and procedures vary according to the type of asset appraised, the requirements of the client, and applicable methodology for each appraisal assignment. However, our appraisal process encompasses the necessary research and analysis in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
We determine the scope of work necessary to solve the problem, and complete research and analyses necessary to produce a credible appraisal report.

- We identify the problem to be solved, determine the type of value (FMV, OLV, FLV), and relevant characteristics of assets.

- We communicate each analysis, opinion, and conclusion in a sufficient and clear manner summarizing the information analyzed and the reasoning that supports the analyses, opinions, and conclusions, including reconciliation of the data and approaches.
- Our appraisal reports comply with the ethical rule and standards set by the Appraisal Foundation in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
- The type, format, length and contents of a written appraisal report may vary depending on the requirements of the client and the scope of work criteria.

- We analyze the relevant economic conditions that exist on the effective date of the valuation, including marketability, supply, demand, scarcity or rarity.
- Personal visit and full appraisal of assets and confirmation of serial numbers, make, models, compelling photograph, and detailed description of equipment.
- In addition, we provide desktop appraisal, depending on our client’s situation. However, we believe that personal visits are vital to better understand the true underlying value of your assets.

- The certification states that the appraiser has personally conducted the appraisal in an unbiased, objective manner in accordance with USPAP.
A desktop industrial or commercial appraisal report is used to determine value without the expense of an on-site inspection or detailed analysis of the condition of the machinery or equipment. It’s typically less costly than a full appraisal and in many cases, the subject asset may be sited at multiple locations or be in transit. Under these circumstances it may not be feasible from a cost perspective to inspect the subject equipment.
We typically rely on information provided by the subject company as the basis for analysis and reporting. However, we do our due diligence and conduct thorough market research to ensure each desktop appraisal’s accuracy. This includes searching the marketplace for items of similar year, make, and model to collect relevant data. You can count on us to provide an accurate and informed appraisal of your assets.
What are the best types of equipment to appraise under the desktop approach?
The desktop approach is most viable for equipment and machinery that is considered to be industry standard (non proprietary) with readily identifiable manufacturer, model, serial number, and original date of manufacture. These classifications of equipment include but are not limited to medical, laboratory, construction, Audio/Visual, and IT equipment.
Some cases where a desktop appraisal may be sufficient for determining values:
- Internal company audits where the data is from a trusted source
- Companies with small quantities of assets, but that have detailed asset listings and photos
- Retrospective valuations of asset disposals
- Partial inspection when multiple locations contain similar assets
Please contact us today to request a FREE & confidential consultation
We Evaluate Each Asset Based On
Age, condition, maintenance
Specialized design and/or modifications
Potential remarketing value
Market supply and demand
Geographic location
Economic trends and market fluctuations
We manage a large number of equipment transactions each year through auctions, consignments, purchases, and sales. This provides us with a rich, and accurate database of comparable equipment values for any appraisal – fair market value, orderly liquidation value, or forced liquidation (auction) values, we have the information and the certified appraisers to handle the work.
Below are the most common Definitions of Value used in the valuation of commercial and industrial equipment, machinery and inventories. The type of valuation(s) chosen for each commercial appraisal is determined by the specific needs of each client. We will assist in determining the appropriate valuation(s) of assets required to meet your needs.
Fair Market Value is an opinion expressed in terms of money, at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell assets and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.
Orderly Liquidation Value is an opinion expressed in terms of money, that typically could be realized from a liquidation sale, given a reasonable period of time to find a purchaser (or purchasers) of commercial or industrial assets, with the seller being compelled to sell on an as-is, where-is basis, as of a specific date. This premise of value reflects the sale of an asset, by a motivated seller, after an adequate marketing period, to sell the property.
Forced Liquidation Value is an opinion expressed in terms of money, that typically could be realized from a properly advertised and conducted public auction, with the seller being compelled to sell commercial or industrial assets with a sense of immediacy on an as-is, where-is basis, as of a specific date.
Request a FREE & confidential consultation
We perform all assignment objectively and without bias
We do not advocate the cause or interest of any party or issue